Everything will be my way!

Chapter 495 - 495

The next morning, master Julius and master Feng, surrounded by the students, were approaching house number 13. The man and the old man sometimes exchanged glances, after which they awkwardly turned away. Even if a mosquito the size of an elephant flew by, it would be a less strange event than what is happening now. Julius and Feng, the best masters in the order in alchemy and formacy, agreed to attend the lectures of a youth of 16 years old! Unthinkable. However, no matter how humiliating it may look from the outside, both of them did not hesitate in their decision, because it concerns an indescribably gifted monster.

For example, master Julius stayed up all night playing the game about the plumber. There were bags under the old man\'s red eyes. The pear-shaped head seemed even bigger than usual. He simply fell in love with this game - the great creation of the brilliant formacist!

Four servants met the guests near the 13th house. They collected the payment from everyone, recorded it in a journal and took everyone to the lecture hall: a spacious, well-lit room with fifty seats with a small table at each seat, on which it is just convenient to take notes. And there was also a particularly noticeable huge screen near the wall.

The fat lecturer appeared exactly at the appointed time. The bodyguard stood next to him: the royal phaser at the 3rd stage. It is usually impossible to hire such a strong person in Rosarrio without connections. The order provides such an opportunity.

Kyon looked at everyone present with a serene gaze: {Forty people… Not bad for the first time. What a pity Elsa didn\'t come. Her pride probably didn\'t let her do it. But Timothy is here! And the granddaughter of the Minister of Finance…}

«Hello, master Baker!» … «Hi, Dick…» … «Hello.»

Those present did not even know how they should address the fat man. On the one hand, since he is a lecturer and they are his students, they should treat him respectfully. But on the other hand, he is just a one-elemental practitioner of the superior phase of 16 years old!

«Greetings to you. From now on, address me informally and by my first name. Master Feng, the first lecture will be devoted to formacy. Will you stay to listen?»

«Of course! I will expand my horizons.» – the man smiled cheerfully.

«Your right.» – Kyon nodded and continued.

The lecture given by Lovr was distinguished not only by the exclusivity of information, but also by the quality of its presentation. Every time he explained something, the corresponding images appeared on the big screen. If it was about formacy, then pictures of formulas, diagrams and codes appeared, which he confirmed in practice, creating the appropriate formation. If the topic concerned alchemy, then - the ingredients, information about them, and even the fusion process, right up to the finished result.

Such a format of lectures shocked everyone to the core, and even masters Feng and Julius felt like unqualified teachers. The fat man\'s lectures are more informative than their individual lessons! The information is not only unique, but also presented in such an amazingly memorable way. It is clear that Dick has thoroughly prepared. He worked out his 500 points in full.

However, they could not even think that Kyon spent no more than a minute creating the screen…

Both masters and most of the students listened to the lectures on both subjects to the end.

«Your lectures are simply amazing!» – exclaimed Julius enthusiastically.

«Thank you for the lesson. I even envy…» – Feng laughed guilelessly.

«Thank you for the lecture.» … «You\'re good… I thought I would regret the points I spent, but no! Next time I\'ll come with a friend.» – all the skepticism of the students quickly disappeared. They came for knowledge and they got it.

After everyone said goodbye and left, a pretty girl approached Kyon. Apparently, she deliberately lingered to catch him alone.

«Hello. My name is Stephanie Russell, I am the granddaughter of Vladimir Vladimirovich.» – the lady emphasized her surname and grandfather, thus, apparently, trying to make her interlocutor feel awe. – «Your lectures impressed me. I would like to purchase a course of private lessons in formacy and alchemy. Name the price.» – she said every word in an absolutely calm tone. There was an ice mask on her face. The look was piercing.

{Do you think everything in this world will revolve around you because of your rich grandfather? Ha-ha. I\'ll teach you a little lesson.} – Kyon thought and shook his head. – «I\'m sorry, but I have to refuse. I have many important things to do.»

«I insist.» – the lady stepped forward. – «Name any price.»

«Well… Let\'s say a hundred billion?» – Lovr said offhand.

Stephanie\'s eyes narrowed slightly and gleamed unkindly: «This is a very bad joke. You earned fifty thousand points for a four-hour lecture, which is equivalent to five million spheres. I\'ll pay you fifteen million for the same time.»

Kyon barely restrained a sardonic grin: «Oh, I\'m sorry, dear lady, I\'ll give you a ten percent discount because of your beautiful eyes. Ninety billion!»

«Are you kidding me?!» – she frowned.

Lovr caught some frightening sensation. The soul trembled uneasily, like the sea before a storm, and the blood inexplicably turned cold. Communication with Stephanie was like a dialogue with the 0th general.

Coughing dryly, Kyon said firmly: «You should listen more carefully to your interlocutors. I politely refused you. My decision is final and irrevocable. Any further negotiations are meaningless. You\'re just wasting my precious time. All the best to you.»

«Are you not interested in money? Then what…»

«I said – all the best to you.» – Kyon repeated with emphasis.

The bodyguard took the hint and approached the cute stubborn girl to escort her out.

Stephanie narrowed her eyes coldly, turned around and left without help.

{I hope she\'s not a vindictive person.} – Kyon hoped. – {However, I can squeeze her grandfather\'s balls so painfully that she will walk with a red ass for a week.}

It\'s been 5 days, but Stephanie has not stopped demanding. Every day after classes, she insisted on individual lessons, offering Lovr more and more generous payment. She even offered some unique high-ranking techniques from the Russells\' legacy. Even the high title was mentioned. Well, at least she didn\'t threaten, thanks for that.

The girl\'s persistence really got on Kyon\'s nerves. He felt as if he had met Stephanie Stone, who at one time also persistently tried to seduce him. He has decided not to agree on principle, even if Russell offers an absolutely fabulous price. She should know that not everyone will obey her because of rich daddy.

7 days have passed since the beginning of the lectures.

«Stop acting so high and mighty. Every man has his price. Be reasonable and don\'t test my patience.» – Stephanie Russell insisted with the same mechanical intonation. Day by day, the threat emanating from her was felt more and more clearly.

«I am not Juno, I will not sell myself for money.» – Kyon waved off.

«Then what do you want? I\'m willing to put in a lot of effort. Tell me quickly!»

«A lot of effort, you say?» – the cup of patience of Lovr has overflowed. He decided to shut up the upstart once and for all, and if she tries to take revenge, he will put pressure on her through her grandfather.

With his slanted, sunken eyes of Dick, the young man obscenely licked the slender body of the girl from head to toe: «Sexual relationships between student and teacher – that\'s what I\'m interested in.»

From such a statement to the granddaughter of the Minister of Finance, even the bodyguard suddenly felt sick.

Stephanie\'s eyes widened, but no disgust was reflected on her face.

For a moment, it seemed to Kyon that his blood was running in the opposite direction.

The girl chuckled coldly and, turning around, left the 13th house.

Lovr breathed a sigh of relief: he got off. Now she won\'t bother him.

A month has passed since the first lecture.

During this time, Lovr received countless offers from different families who wanted to recruit such a gifted alchemist and formacist. Of course he turned them all down. The prospects are not too tempting.

In general, Kyon was satisfied with his plan for earning points. Word of mouth helped. All 50 seats were consistently occupied, moreover, there were so many applicants that they began to compete for the seats. The rate has grown to 750 points, and in the future it will rise to 1000 points, which will result in 5,000 points per day (5%). It will take about 200 days to collect 1 million, while he was given 1 year for everything.

The zeroth general flawlessly predicted the abilities of the messenger of the goddess. The first person who didn\'t underestimate Kyon! Another confirmation that this person should be feared.

Recently, one unlucky Valentine tried to finish off his master during the lecture (probably, madness came over him), but the brave guard reacted in time and protected his master. The would-be murderer was expelled from the school.

This incident reminded Lovr that he was threatened by Rose and Roman, as well as their stooges. Well, at least Juno seemed to have lost interest in him. What happens if the guard is neutralized? Will he be able to protect himself on his own?

Two weeks ago, Kyon rose from the 8th to the 9th stage of the superior phase. It took 24 days. For comparison, it took 22 days to reach the 8th, and 16 - the 7th. As expected, the higher the stage of the phase, the more difficult it is to reach it.

According to Lovr\'s calculations, it will take him a little less than a month to reach the 10th stage. Of course, he could try to transform the soul into the noble phase right now, but judging by the feelings in his soul, the chance of failure is about 30%. The risks are not worth it at all. The consequences will be too huge and will haunt him for many years.

In addition, over the past time, Kyon has mastered the superior grade of ether, which allowed him to realize his long-standing ideas for creating a laser and plasma.

As for the laser: Lovr learned to focus a directed beam of energy at one point and at a great distance. Alas, the beam at best will blind the practitioner 10 stages above his own for a second, and pure energy will completely eliminate the consequences and protect him. Perhaps with the master (4) grades of ether and heat, the situation will change.

As for plasma: Kyon learned to maintain a stable shell with ether. By placing nitrogen (created by the element of wind) inside it, along with heat or cold, he starts a process similar to cold or hot synthesis. Temperatures inside such shells reach crazy values. As a result, the attacking efficiency of plasma is now comparable to the heat or cold of practitioners 20 stages higher. In general, he has a new powerful weapon in his arsenal.

Now the grades of the elements of Lovr looked as follows: pure energy - 1; wind - 2; water - 2; earth - 3; heat - 3; cold - 2; ether - 3; darkness - 2 (+1); light - 2 (+1).

Having mastered the superior grade of ether, Kyon immediately began to learn the superior grade of darkness. Given a voracious sphere that adds one grade, the result will be a master grade. Amazing prospects.

Also, the element of time gives great hopes. It really can only support a spherical shape, but this sphere can be hollow! And this means that it can theoretically be used as a shield. That sounds interesting.

But now Kyon was spending almost all of his energy experimenting with the spatial attribute. He noticed that it was hiding something unique in itself, and recently its new property was discovered. In a few months he will definitely master a new amazing ability. There is no doubt that it will save his life more than once in the future.

As for the fully developed right hand, Lovr failed to detect any hidden abilities in it, as happened with the head ("The eyes of truth" and "The sovereign\'s stare"). To all the indignant questions, the body of the Void was silent like a partisan.

To summarize, Kyon rose to the 9th stage and studied the superior grade of ether, and learned how to create a laser and plasma from it. The laser is practically useless, but the plasma is good. As for the elements of time and space, they will manifest themselves in the future.

Is all this enough to fight back a group of royal phasers at the beginning stage if they suddenly raid him? Of course not. Preparing for teleportation also takes time, so in case of a sudden attack it won\'t help. He needs something more effective… To protect himself from the crowd of powerful practitioners. But how? He has an idea! Demonic mushrooms!

During the forest tournament, while studying in Cernos, Kyon found "Demonic mushrooms": medicine of epic (5) quality! It contains so many narcotic substances that it can even affect the imperial phaser.

Kyon decided to make the medicine out of "Demonic mushrooms", which will explode upon contact with the ground and spread around an invisible narcotic gas without smell. With his alchemist skills, he will definitely be able to make such medicine.

By the way, today is Rose\'s birthday – a very important event for the whole Valentine family.. Everything should go like clockwork. Well, let\'s hope nothing happens…

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