Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 368 368: Humans Vs Elves VII

"You fought well elf."

[Sin Eater]

A heavy surge of energy flew into Cole, but unlike what you would expect from a gold ranked being, this one was only abrupt. Cutting off way earlier than it should have. Her dried up body hit the ground as a golden prism rolled away from it. Cole sniffed then sent it to his inventory. He shifted his head back in the direction of the dungeon and attempted to bring his stat sheet up.

[Currently Undergoing level 90 Racial Refinement! Log In To Access Full System Functions.]

Cole cursed softly, but it seems there was nothing he could do about this current state of things. He would have to log in, but that was not time he had on his hands….not at the moment. He has to get rid of this bloody dungeon as soon as possible, or if it would take too long he would have to send Eze back to the territory to deal with whatever is happening down there.

Never the less Cole kept on moving forwards, moving at his full speed as he ran past the concrete jungle/forest that had now become most of London. It went on that way until he was out of the city proper. Soon there was no signs of modern architecture within the forest, just more natural trees and twisted branches. He avoided confrontation with any other elves, in fact he was moving so fast not not a single one of them could stop or slow him down.

Finally he found himself standing in front of the massive dome that surrounded and covered the equally massive colossal tree that was the dungeon the elves used in arriving on earth. The dome was translucent yellow. And it was incredibly solid to the touch. Cole placed a hand on it, but no matter how much he pushed he was unable to get through.

So perhaps the dome itself was more than just a wall around the dungeon, it was a security system that could chose who to let in or out. With such a thing in hand,  fighting the elves right now would be a waste of time, because from what he could see it seems that he would most definitely need to be carried in by an elf, or for someone else to find a way past the dome and into the dungeon.

But it was not so bad, from what he could see here, perhaps it would be for the best that no one could go in. They can  focus their efforts on dealing with the elves that were outside the barrier, using this chance to take back the territory and land the dungeon had claimed for itself. It was not exactly the best idea on ground, but for now this was as far  as he would be able to go to make things easier on the world council while he go deal with the problem brewing in his own territory.

With that taken care of, Cole spent the rest of his time going around the forest, lucky for him he had not been able to meet someone else with the same level of strength the elf woman had. Due to that intruding into every fight and ending it decisively in a few minutes before moving on to the next fight.

When the elves started noticing that more and more of them were being routed as Cole moved in a circular range around the dome, clearing and killing every elf he came across with extreme prejudice. Many of them tried to talk or might have set up talks with varying pockets of the aspirant led military force.

However such a status quo meant nothing to Cole as he made sure to end each and every single elf he had laid his eyes upon. By the time the afternoon was rolling into the evening. The entirety of the area that had been under control of the elves had been taken back, while they began to figure out a way to bring the barrier down, mostly relying on constant bombardment to  weaken the barrier and get through.

Cole wasn\'t even sure such a method would work on their behalf, but ultimately he and Eze wished everyone luck as they took to the skies. A dedicated transport with Cole\'s own people, retrieving them, as they quickly logged in while dragon watched over their bodies. In the end it was the best thing they could come up with, Cole was particularly worried about the northern glade and its leader.

But regardless of what it might be, Cole knew he would be going to face and deal with soon enough. He just hoped that through it all, Tehila had been able to hold on and he had perhaps not ended up leaving his woman with too much of a task than she could possibly deal with…..he just hoped.



Tehila showed up in her office and with one smooth stride made her way outside of it. Technically it was not just her office but also Cole\'s. his tower did not just serve as a residential area for him, but it also served as the administrative headquarters of the entire territory.

It was no surprise on her path as she found Cassandra and Pollux waiting for her outside. Delarosa she already knew had went on ahead with Neral to figure out the current movements of the northern glade. She heard a whine of gears behind her as she turned to see Morgan in his [Mechanoid Direwolf King] form. The AI was supposed to serve as a mount and a protector for her until Cole come back.

Normally having an AI with dedicated combat abilities, and even capable of manipulating energy after his multiple forays into the event would have been cheating if this was just a game. But it is so much more than that, a reality that affects the existence of everything on earth and could change it fundamentally. She did not for once look down on the AI and what it was no capable of, but ultimately the software was loyal to a fault, working tirelessly to make sure everything of Cole is in order.

"They have lined up in front of the  valley, however they have not made any move yet since I deployed a hundred of our highest ranked  Raens there. It might not seem like much compared to the thousands of Darklings they have on their side. But considering we tend to punch way above our weight class, it seems we have been able to deter them from making any more moves forwards. But I\'m not sure for how long they would wait, these things don\'t think like the rest of us." Pollux said he fell into stride behind Tehila while  Cassandra took over with the reports.

"I was about to send you a message to ask about what we should do. I was going to start with probing attacks, it does not seem as if these thing would agree to sit down for a chat." Cassandra said as Tehila looked over the overview about the amount of enemies they would have to deal with. There was no direct number as no one has been able to infiltrate the glade yet, but what they had put on the field was close to ten thousand.

"Have you tried? Did you send a delegation of any sort?" Tehila asked as Cassandra shook her head. Tehila scowled as she said.

"Honestly, is killing the only things you guys and Cole are good for? We haven\'t exhausted all of the options available to us yet. So send a runner or a messenger to them. Tell them that the lady of the valley will speak to them in the absence of her husband. We would like a sit down to understand just what is going and why they are trying to upset the status quo, that should also buy the Lord and Eze some time before they get back here, along with the rest of our forces." it was a good and a working plan.

"I\'m afraid I will have to object lady Tehila. I believe these Northern Glade folks can deliver a true death, ending your existence here and in our reality. A sit down between you and them would be too dangerous. I believe you should delegate someone else to handle this. Anything can go wrong and I am not sure my master would be in agreement with this." Morgan spoke up, his six foot giant body rippling as mechanical eyes seemed to whirl around.

"If there\'s one thing your Master and I can agree on Morgan is that we would never let someone else stick their necks out. This is our territory, the people here are not put here to serve us but for us to protect each other. We keep them safe, provide strength, homes and an opportunity, and together...Destroy our enemies.

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