Level up Zombie

Chapter 150 The Third Floor

The bullets plunged into Pink\'s back, and when she turned around, Cody noticed the two blood holes appearing on the back of her clothes. Without a doubt, she had been shot. Two bullets had penetrated the skin, and blood was beginning to soak her top.

Yet, Pink wasn\'t screaming in pain. Instead, she acted completely fine as she continued to walk up the stairs along with Kun.

\'That\'s right...I almost forgot what I saw her do. When she bit that Corba gang member, she turned him into a zombie as well, and that can only happen if one is infected.\' Cody recalled the incident that happened when the woman in front of her fought one of the Cobra gang men.

Thinking about it a bit more, Cody remembered what Zain had told him, and the last time he had seen Zain, he had seen Pink as well. It was quite possible that they were all in the same boat. All of them were some type of special zombies who could still think freely and do what they wanted.

"Are you going to be okay?" Cody asked, still looking at her blood-soaked back. "I mean, I don\'t really know how your body works."

"I\'ll be fine. You just worry about yourself. I can take a bullet or two and will recover after a nice meal, and anyway, after we\'re done here, there will be plenty of meat to eat around." Pink joked.

However, listening to this, Cody could only think about one thing, that Pink ate humans, and it was somewhat true as well, although the joke didn\'t really showcase the seriousness of the situation.

As they continued to run up, Kun, who was leading the group, heard the commotion ahead and the sound of doors opening.

They were on the third-floor staircase, but from the sound of things, there would be quite a few people with weapons up ahead to stop them.

"Detour. If they rain down bullets from above on us, I don\'t even think we are going to survive that," Kun instructed the other two.

They went through the next set of double doors leading to the hallway of the third floor. The hospital was quite large and had four staircases in total that led to the top. One in each corner. It had four hallways as well as the main reception room that led to multiple rooms as well.

So as soon as they ran through the halls, with the trolleys in the hallway, and the several doors and rooms, they noticed how strange such a place looked. A hospital was usually filled with patients at all times, and nurses moving about everywhere taking care of the patients.

But here, there was nothing, there was no one, and to top it all off, there was a lot of blood. Now that it would be weird considering the state of the world, however, this whole group was centered around a doctor, so it was at least expected to have some other staff as well.

"Okay, let\'s take a break," Kun said as he turned to one of the consultation rooms and opened the door, closing it quickly behind him after the other two stepped in.

There were a couple of seats, a drawn curtain, and a chair for one to lie down in, as well as a broken computer. The room looked unused, to say the least. As for Cody, he was happy that they were taking a break.

His hands were on his knees, and he was panting heavily, trying to catch a breath. They had sprinted non-stop, and with the panicked situation they were in, Cody was feeling somewhat nervous as well.

For the zombies, however, this was somewhat a normal situation, but he needed a break.

"Alright, so let\'s have them wait and look for us for some time, and then we will continue ahead up from there. Most likely, the Doctor will stay at the very top of this place, away from the commotion, while sending others down." Kun said to the other two.


At the moment, as Kun had guessed, the Doctor was indeed on the top floor. He had asked some of his men to deal with the situation, and while they did, he didn\'t stay in his office but went to the CCTV room, looking at the live footage throughout the hospital.

There were cameras in the hallways but not in the patient rooms themselves. However, they were enough for him to know what floor they were on.

Grabbing onto the microphone in front of him, the Doctor cleared his throat and began to speak.

"It looks like the young kid brought some people back." The Doctor revealed it to his people. "And there\'s something strange happening at the reception. This is such a shame, but I understand that these things happen.

"Everyone, you have done well so far, continue at it, and anyone who manages to catch one of those that is disrupting the place will have their entire debt cleared. On top of that, you will be able to apply debt to others for helping run the place and making such a great community.

"Because, of course, if you\'re able to stop the intruders, then it means that the rest of the people that live here will owe you a debt for helping them."

Kun was just shaking his head as he heard these words because he had figured out pretty quickly how this entire place was run. The people were practically brainwashed, living in a new and different society from what they were used to.

"Anyway, I see that the intruders are on the third floor, but I ask that no one is to head to the third floor, I repeat, no one is to head to the third floor. You are to stay put where you are, and if they manage to escape, only then are you to act. I doubt that you will need to be put to use because they won\'t make it out alive."


The message was broadcasted, and it ended there, but Kun was starting to wonder why the Doctor was so confident. Eventually, they decided to leave the room after a few minutes. They tried to use their ears to listen out for anything people or the sound of guns, but there was no such thing.

"Should we head back to the staircase or head to a different one?" Pink asked.

"I\'m not sure. Let\'s just keep walking for now." Kun replied.

The three continued to walk, and up ahead, there were the double doors that would lead to a large main reception area where all the hallways intersected. When they slowly opened it, they saw something strange. It looked like a hospital bed that was standing on the bottom half and held upright.

There were multiple straps on it, but they looked to have been cut, and worse for all, there was blood all over the hospital bed.

"Can you smell that?" Kun asked.

"Yeah...I can." Pink replied. "But I can\'t tell if it is human, or...is it dead."

Kun was getting a strange tingling feeling, and he didn\'t like it at all, which was why he had turned back around and slammed the double doors shut. Soon after that, he started running and looked at the thick windows by the side.

Using his hand and drawing all his strength, he punched at it with full force. Several cracks appeared on the window panel, but the glass didn\'t break.

\'That rancid smell is coming closer to the door. Whatever it is coming from, that thing will be here at any second.\'

A loud bang was heard, and glass shattering all over the place and falling to the floor could be heard as well. The window now had Pink\'s foot there instead, as she had kicked the window open.

"I thought I would help you out a bit," Pink smiled.

"Okay, look, Cody, you have been a big help to us so far, but in order for us to fight without worrying, we are going to have to get you out of here," Kun said. "Find another way to the top, maybe from the bottom. Just get out of here!"

Cody didn\'t know what was going on and why Kun was so scared, but from the looks of the strange hospital bed, they had seen it had to be something bad. When peeking out the window, Cody could see several ledges and remembered the days when he was extremely into parkour. Perhaps he could do something to help them out as well, without putting anyone\'s life at risk.

The next second, another loud bang was heard, and it had come from the double doors. Before Cody knew it, he was pushed by Kun out of the window. Reaching out his hand, Cody grabbed onto the ledge, slowing himself down but slipped.

He then banged his back into what looked like a dustbin. And several glass shards pierced him as well, making him cry out in pain.

"Arghh...that wasn\'t a good landing," Cody muttered to himself as he slowly got up from the floor. "But...I need to help them somehow, I need to find that damn Doctor and stop all of this."

Cody rolled off and slowly got up. His whole body was aching, and he was also bleeding from his back.

"I...need to do something," Cody said as he walked forward and headed back around to the front of the hospital. When he finally reached it, he stopped there for a few seconds as a young man walked up to him.

"Please...help me," Cody said, instantly recognizing the young man. "Please...Zain."


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